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How to reach Ranthambore National Park from Mumbai

  • 2 min read

If you are planning to visit Ranthambore National Park from Mumbai, here are the steps you can follow:

  1. Take a flight or train to Jaipur: Jaipur is the nearest major city to Ranthambore National Park, and it is well-connected to Mumbai by air and train. You can take a flight to the Sanganer Airport in Jaipur or take a train to the Jaipur Railway Station to book ranthambore safari booking.
  2. Hire a taxi or take a bus from Jaipur to Ranthambore: Once you reach Jaipur, you can hire a taxi or take a bus from the city to reach Ranthambore National Park. The park is about 180 km away from Jaipur and the journey takes around 3-4 hours by road.
  3. How to book tickets in advance: The park is open from October to June, and it is essential to book your tickets in advance. You can book your tickets online or through the park’s official website.
  4. Choose your safari option: There are two safari options available to explore the park – jeep safaris and canter safaris. The jeep safaris offer a more personal experience, while the canter safaris can accommodate a larger group of people. The safaris are conducted in the morning and evening, and you can choose the one that suits your schedule.
  5. Follow the park’s rules and guidelines: It is essential to follow the park’s rules and guidelines while visiting the park. You are not allowed to get off the safari vehicle or make loud noises that can disturb the animals. It is also essential to respect the park’s boundaries and not go beyond the designated areas.
  6. Explore the park: During the safari, you can spot various animals like tigers, leopards, deer, and various species of birds. The park also has ancient structures like the Ranthambore Fort and the Padam Talao Lake, which are worth exploring.

By following these steps, you can easily reach Ranthambore National Park from Mumbai and have a memorable experience.

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